This Will Be Big… And It’s All For You.

Last night I was thinking (still) about the elephant mindset post I wrote earlier this week. The idea that we stop ourselves from being as happy as we potentially could be seems to have struck a chord with a number of people. So that has gotten my brain wheels turning.

Once my brain latches onto an idea that excites me, I have to go with it. Creation-mode cannot be slowed! (Hey– I like that.)

So what I came up with was the seed of an idea, which has blossomed and grown, and now is coming together like a bunch of wildflowers blooming out of nowhere. It’s big. It’s awesome. And it’s for you.

I’m working on creating a series of daily challenges with the purpose of undoing the elephant mindset in your life. Right now I think it will be a 10 day challenge, but that could change as the ideas keep coming. What really matters is that you think about taking part.

How do you know if you should take the challenge? If you say yes to any of these questions.

  • Do you feel like you go through the motions of your day to day life without really living?
  • Is there something you’ve always wanted to try to do, but haven’t?
  • Do you tell yourself no when you think about trying something new or scary?
  • Do you feel like passion, drive, and excitement are missing from your life?
  • Do you envy people who design their own lives, take risks, and seem full of joy all the time?
  • Do you often quit projects, classes, hobbies, etc before you finish them?
  • Do you want to identify the false boundaries you create in your life and purposefully break them down?

The Undoing The Elephant Mindset Challenge will start on Friday, April 1st. Everyday for 10 (maybe more, maybe less) days, I’ll post a blog that will encourage you to think about how you view and live your life. There will be writing exercises and challenges to identify and go after the things you desire. We’ll explore mortality and come to grips with how fleeting life really is in order to motivate us to live.

Please leave a comment or shoot me an email at kristinoffilerwrites AT gmail DOT com if you are thinking about taking part. And if you think your readers, friends, followers, families could benefit from Undoing the Elephant Mindset, please link them to this post. I’ll talk more about it in upcoming days with some sneak peeks into the challenge to hopefully ignite the spark inside you.

If you have a pulse and the desire to really live, join me on April 1st. Right here. And I’ll be doing the challenge with you.

Author: kristinoffiler

Writer who loves dogs, summertime, real books, and clean sheets.

6 thoughts on “This Will Be Big… And It’s All For You.”

  1. Hi Kristin,
    I’m also going to join in- how nice the the challenge ends on my birthday! Nice way to begin year 52!
    love ya,


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