Valentine’s Day Gifts for Writers

I don’t really need much of an excuse to scour for fun, quirky handmade gifts. But Valentine’s Day is next week, and for those of you who have yet to buy your favorite writer a gift, I’m going to make it really easy for you to look like a gift-buying rock star.

(You listening, husband?)

Here’s what your word-loving-lover will… love:

  • Personalized stationary.  I don’t care what anyone says, every writer should have personalized stationary at some point in their life. It’s just so… writerly. And the perfect way to pen a love letter to your sweetheart.
  • Custom engraved pencils. I worked at my school’s writing center throughout college, and one year a good friend/coworker gave me some engraved pencils that said KC IS AWESOME (my initials used to be KC) as a Secret Santa gift. Her initials were KC and she was a writer, too, so it was a clever, thoughtful gift. She passed away in 2010, but now every time I see personalized pencils like these, I think of her and her how much I loved that gift.
  • A heart Moleskin journal. What writer doesn’t drool over the fresh, unblemished pages of a Moleskin journal? They’re like the J.Crew of notebooks. And by that, I mean they cost more than I would rationally spend on paper, but buying one just feels so good. Like when I indulge on a shirt from J.Crew once a year. Then never wear it because I don’t want to ruin it. Know what I mean?
  • Teacup & saucer. This one in particular is a nod to Alice in Wonderland— perfect for a writer and her constant coffee/tea refills, no?
  • Wristlet/pencil case. Um, how adorable is this lined paper fabric?? This would be perfect for an afternoon writing session at the coffee shop– just throw your keys, phone, and some cash into this wristlet, grab your Moleskin or laptop, and off you go. Easy peasy.

What’s your favorite item on this list? And what writer-ish gift would you give (or want to get) this Valentine’s Day?

Author: kristinoffiler

Writer who loves dogs, summertime, real books, and clean sheets.

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